
What are the snowboarding styles?

Splitboarding allows riders to ski and snowboard at the same time using the same piece of equipment. Splitboards have the same shape and construction as regular snowboards. They get meant to split into two parts and get used as skis. The snowboarding styles, according to Billy Crafton from San Diego, are as follows:

  • Slopestyle

This style entails completing feats on a track while going downward. Obstacles such as boxes, rails, jumps, and jibs get frequently seen on the course. Slopestyle events allow riders to choose their route in a terrain park and to win. They must select the hard-line and perform a seamless sequence of tricks on the obstacles.

  • Boardercross

It’s also known as “Boarder X” or “Snowboard X,” and it’s a relatively new addition to the snowboarding business. It became an official Winter Olympic sport in 2006. Several riders compete in Boardercross on a course that is comparable to a motorcycle motocross track. The track is littered with obstacles, resulting in unintentional collisions as the riders share the same ground, as opposed to regular head-to-head races.

  • A large mountain

Big Mountain is a freestyle event held in open terrain where riders compete to discover the most stylish and challenging way down the mountain. Competitions for this kind of snowboarding take place in powder snow conditions in resorts or backcountry places.

  • Skateboarding Competition

Snowboard racing requires riders to complete a downhill course made up of a series of turning indicators in the shape of gates. These gates get of a tall pole and a short pole connected by a triangular panel placed in the snow at a predetermined distance. The rider must go around the short side of the gate according to the rules.

Parallel Slalom and Parallel Giant Slalom are two forms of snowboard races that compete in the Olympics. Riders compete in Parallel Slalom by racing downhill through a series of gates that require tight and quick technical turns. It is competing against other competitors on the opposite course. Parallel Giant Slalom is similar to Parallel Slalom but has a much longer path with gates that get spaced further apart, requiring more speed.

  • Half-pipe

This method is done in a semi-circular ditch carved into the mountains or on a purpose-built snow ramp with walls. Riders perform tricks while moving from one side of the pipe to the other and while hovering over the pipe’s walls.

  • Plenty of room

After launching from a specially designed jump, Big Air riders perform tricks. Riders attempt to achieve tremendous height and distance while performing acrobatics in mid-air and landing flawlessly. The difficulty of the in-the-air movements gets utilized to grade the performers.

  • Jibbing

Spins get performed on non-standard platforms in this calculated way, according to Billy Crafton from San Diego. Steel tracks, packages, seats, stone platforms, barriers, automobiles, stones, and wood are all mentioned in the name “jib,” which is a term that signifies “steel slats, cartons, chairs, cement handrails, facades, cars, stones, and planks.” Leaping, rolling, and bouncing on high items are all examples of the term. It is essentially amateur skiing that takes place not just on the ice but also in a city context.

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